I'm a full stack web & mobile developer

Who am I?

I'm Ayoub Basidi, a full stack developer based in Casablanca, Morocco. My journey in web and mobile development began at the age of 17, and since then, I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from simple HTML pages to complex React libraries. My ultimate goal is to become an exceptional developer and secure my dream job in the industry. When I'm not coding, you can find me playing football, listening to music, or indulging in video games.

My skills & Knowledge

Technologies and languages that I use to make my product everyday

Selected projects

Crédit du Maroc

Crédit du Maroc's seamless web platform for diverse and efficient online banking services.


Randomly is a project help to pass the draw to all learners and save it to a local file

Github Contributions Calendar

Github Contribution Clone is a project focused on cloning the github contribution calendar using React and Tailwind.

More of my works

I'm sure you will like some of my hobby projects

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